With plenty of marriages ending in divorce, ways on fixing relationships are very much needed. Online courses like Mend The Marriage are especially helpful as factors like adultery, lack of communication, and intimacy issues that are not dealt with can eat away your marriage

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Review of: Mend The Marriage

Use: Online course for fixing marriage


5.0 out of 5.0 stars


5.0 out of 5.0 stars

Ease of Use

4.5 out of 5.0 stars


5.0 out of 5.0 stars

We Like

  • Helpful for marriages
  • Tips that are easy to put into practice
  • Made for both men and women
  • No need to spend thousands of dollars

We don’t like

  • Less useful for relationships with deep-seated problems
  • No hardcover
  • eBook only

Mend The Marriage

These issues can cause unwanted depression and abuse and many couples are looking for a life raft during these difficult times and Browning’s Mend The Mariage program could be it.

In this comprehensive review, I will inform you on everything you need to know—the good and the bad. Continue reading my review below and let’s get started.

From:  $49.95

Your once healthy marriage could crumble from distance, lack of communication, or intimacy issues. These problems can slowly infect your marriage and can transform into infidelity and disconnectedness. Mend The Marriage is an online course tailored for couples who are at the loose end of their relationship and are looking for answers.

This whole program consists of:

  • 200+ page eBook
  • 4-hour audio course
  • 7-part video series
  • Worksheets for assisting couples going through marital hardships
  • Bonus eBooks
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In this program, divorce expert and relationship coach Brad Browning provides valuable advice for couples through these materials to help them rediscover each other and ignite their passion. The Mend The Marriage program could be the very tool that could save  marriage from a horrible divorce.


This is a manual made for both men and women to reverse divorce through navigating unions that no longer work. Mend The Marriage teaches couples methods on how to recover from symptoms that are often the result of a stagnant relationship and covers topics on sex, anger, intimacy, jealousy, and many more. This course is built around the ABCD method to teach couples how to push through resentment and negativity through four stages. Forgiveness is another main section the course focuses on, which Browning focuses quite intently on to save marriage and aid a marriage’s recovery.

Here is an introduction on Mend The Marriage program’s basis which is the ABCD method:

Accept the Situation

The first stage seems pretty simple and self-explanatory but, there are still plenty of individuals who are in denial about a lot of things in their relationships. Browning’s program teaches couples that accepting your situation is always the first step before being able to move forward. Acceptance means being able to let go of blame and taking responsibility for your decisions and part in the breakdown of the marriage. This means taking care of yourself for you to be at your best when talking to your partner or former partner.

Build Resilience

For the second stage of the program, Browning emphasizes healthy living, having a positive outlook on life, and not beating up on yourself. Building resiliency means getting proper sleep, good nutrition, and a healthy workout. If you do not have the mental capacity to take care of yourself, you will have little chance of being able to take care of your relationship as well. It is often that people go on angry emotional rampages during relationship breakdowns and this could probably be the worst thing one can do. Couples need to take a deep breath, step back, and make a smarter and more mature choice.

Commit to Change

This next stage of Mend The Marriage is about sticking with the positive and less on returning to negativity. The short-term practice of healthy habits is easy but for you to be able to have a healthy marriage, changes must be long-term for a relationship to reap positive benefits so, this is a continuation of the 2nd stage. Human beings are naturally drawn to positivity and light so be a positive person, get some new hobbies that you enjoy, and be the person your former partner will want to get back with.

Dedication to the Task

The last stage of this program is the dedication to wanting to save marriage and this is about upfront honesty, not playing any manipulative games, and continuously being your best self throughout such a hurtful and uncomfortable time. Come clean, admit your mistakes, and be honest with your partner about what you truly want.

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Every marriage, without exception, goes through difficult moments that challenge the relationship. Some people go through the easy exit which is divorce, and although it is sometimes necessary I was not going to give in to divorce, I will fight for my family and save marriage. I learned how to be more comfortable when sharing how I feel including how to react when my wife had things to say that I did not appreciate. An essential thing mentioned here is managing unresolved issues and problems which, if we are being honest, after more than years of marriage, everyone has some.

Problems mostly arise when they accumulate and suddenly it’s just a ball of anger. Through following the advice little by little, I managed to perceive better what I was told and react better to it. Although my wife took longer she also noticed a change and started changing because of it. It is pretty easy and I can say that I felt we were finally “safe” after applying this advice almost every day after a year.


Nothing can mend a marriage in as fast as a day, especially after so many years. Plenty of people build walls, barriers, and silences without noticing. Communication is suddenly hard and because of the barriers, the other person does not know why. Maybe, you might have mentioned it to her before but if does not get it from the beginning, it could be difficult for her to get it later in life especially if you only question how she hears and not the way you speak.


Online courses or basically anything meant to help save  marriage can only truly work if the couple is willing to put the work in. Mend The Marriage certainly contains interesting insights into this online program that can assist your marriage and change damaging behaviors.

The program is also good at teaching individuals the importance of taking responsibility for their own decisions and actions which is truly important for a relationship to work for long-term recovery. Playing the victim is a very dangerous narrative that Browning continuously points out throughout the program as this will get you nowhere. Sticking and implementing the changes you have made to better your relationship and save marriage can be extremely difficult at first but, if you are truly committed to improving your marriage for the better then Mend The Marriage can certainly provide you and your partner with the perfect assistance.


Mend The Marriage has demonstrated narratives that mostly unfold in unsuccessful marriages, and this is something that I liked about the program as seeing the reality of marriage including the high and the lows can help us mend it. The program examines methods of fixing problems that commonly happen in a relationship and Browning’s advice can be a life-raft for men and women whose relationships are starting to drown.

This online course may not be the same as going to a marriage counselor and having a one-on-one consultation or going to a relationship psychologist but, Mend The Marriage is still very much an addition worthy of any marriage that is slowly tearing apart. If the program has personally not agreed with you, Mend The Marriage has a 60-day moneyback guarantee that ensures the buyer that the course is covered.

There is no 100% guarantee that any online course, marriage counsel session, or book can save your marriage completely. Normally, some relationships are just irreparable and the smart choice for both parties is to move on. But for those who believe that there is still hope to save marriage and you really want to make the relationship work—Mend The Marriage is the program for you.

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Question: What is Mend The Marriage?

Mend The Marriage is an online course made as a manual for troubled couples who want to save a failing marriage.

Question: How does Mend The Marriage work?

Mend the marriage works through utilizing the ABCD method to teach couples how to push through the many issues involving their relationships alongside Brad Browning’s other relationship advice.

Question: How much does Mend The Marriage cost?

The online program Mend The Marriage is priced at $49.95.

Question: Can I ask for a refund on my Mend The Marriage program?

If the ourse did not personally work for you, Mend The Marriage has a 60-day moneyback guarantee that ensures the buyer that the course is covered.