With plenty of people experiencing knee pain and knee problems, everyone is looking for an easy and effective alternative. This is where the Feel Good Knees program comes in.

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Review of: Feel Good Knees

Use: Workout program to rid of knee pain


5.0 out of 5.0 stars


5.0 out of 5.0 stars

Ease of Use

4.0 out of 5.0 stars


5.0 out of 5.0 stars

We Like

  • Utilizes isometric exercises
  • Backed by thorough research
  • Convenient to use anytime and anywhere

We don’t like

  • Takes time for evident effect

Introduced as a well-researched rehabilitation program for pain relief from knee problems, the Feel Good Knees can help you get rid of unwanted knee problems.

From: $15/copy

For a lot of people, knee problems are quite common, especially knee pain and when not attended to, this can get a lot worse. Despite having plenty of treatment choices out there, most of these treatments and therapies focus on symptoms. The root cause of knee pain is not usually eliminated and so, the people who experience such knee problems are mostly just asked to take medication. For such people—Feel Good Knees is the perfect program.

A program focused on helping you to get rid of that consistent ache and problem in your knees, Feel Good Knees consists of extremely effective and deceptively easy exercises. To assist you in following the program with ease, simple tips and pointers are given. This program will also help strengthen your body and enhance energy levels and not only get rid of your knee problem so you can start doing the activities you have always wanted to participate in but you were avoiding due to your knee pain.

In the market, with plenty of claims of helping with knee pain from various treatments and therapies and so, in this article, we will give you a detailed review of the Feel Good Knees program so you can know for yourself whether you think this will work for you before making an informed choice.

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It is a simple rehabilitation program based upon isometric exercises made for those suffering from knee problems like pain, inflammation, cartilage deterioration, and postural misalignment. This program is spread over a 12-week schedule.

This workout program was made by Todd Kuslikis in such an easy way and anyone and everyone can do it. This workout regime takes only about 5 minutes per day and must be followed for a course of three 2-week phases for a total of 12 weeks.


Many of you may be unfamiliar with the term isometrics and for your information, this is a method utilized by therapists for rehabilitation which is mainly due to poor bearing properties of the joints and cartilages. Isometrics makes our muscles and tendons stronger as this helps in giving them a good workout.


Anyone can take up the Feel Good Knees Program especially those who suffer from knee pain, whether it be men or women who are middle-aged or seniors. This workout regime is also perfect for those dependent on medication or has already tried several other kinds of luxury therapies and treatments.

All you will need is a good 5 minutes of your time as the Feel Good Knees program is made to be user-friendly for easier access and can be done anywhere at any time. Made around 3 phases namely, pain elimination, rejuvenation, and renewal which gradually progress and thus do not stress the body in any form. This is an easy and effective program that works for most people while also being time-efficient.

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A digital program made for easier access to users, the Feel Good Knees has PDF manuals, a video library, along with some bonuses which are easy to download and compatible with every device.

  • Introduction Companion Guide
  • Pain Reduction Log
  • Video Library 
  • One Minute Rejuvenation 
  • Posture Alignment Guide


For the users to be able to focus on the reduction of knee pain and inflammation the Feel Good Knees Program’s first two weeks are of mild exercises and then, you can switch to the phases wherein strengthening workouts are focused on.


This pain elimination phase involves some simple yoga exercises that will gradually bring you out of the phase of immobility. Where most people go wrong is when we tend to make it easy and avoid doing movements that bring in the pain of any kind when we are experiencing some pain. Doing so gradually reduces our knees’ mobility and makes our knees weaker.

Some of the exercises involved in the workout program of the Feel Good Knees are the standing pigeon pose, seated pillow squeezers, reaching towards the sky, and many more. These workouts are done to greatly strengthen our knee muscles and tendons so that they are introduced to new stimulus without causing any pain or harm to our knees.


Following a protocol focused on enhancing knee strength, in the rejuvenation phase of the program, the inflammation and pain would have been reduced and so, you can continue to go on a more stimulating schedule. This involves exercises like seated leg raises, seated towel presses, and laying pillow squeezers.


Finally, for the Feel Good Knees Program’s final two weeks the regime is focused on bringing total functionality to your knees. The workouts start to become more difficult and involve bodyweight for stimulation. The exercises involved in this final phase are reverse lunges, wall sits, and wall sits with towel squeezes.

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Everyone and anyone who is experiencing knee pain or slight injury can try the Feel Good Knees Program since the routines involved are pretty simple. The program’s whole idea is built on the concept of our body being able to heal itself. The workout regime is not only made as an exercise form for releasing yourself from knee problems and pain, but it is also a disciplined way to work towards a better and healthier lifestyle. The Feel Good Knees program utilizes the best practices professional fitness mentors and therapists use. Of course, following the program alone will not help you get the best effects as you will also need to follow a good, balanced, and healthy diet which will inevitably lead you to a painless world. With the Feel Good Knees Program as a simple and better alternative, you can easily forget expensive medication and going to therapies that you were probably depending on.

The Feel Good Knees program is structured effectively while still being deceptively easy to follow for users. Following the program, knee muscles and ligaments are assisted with the exercises to get rid of the pain and are prepared to handle the coming phases. Involving isometric exercises, this is a holistic approach that can be accomplished by anyone, anywhere, and anytime with ease and no stress at all.

To be completely safe, it is still advised to have a consultation with your doctor before starting any kind of knee problem treatment program or therapy.